Colon Cleanse: The Procedure
During the treatment warm filter is gently introduced and progresses around the colon, whilst a smooth and soothing massaging of the abdomen assists the elimination. The process takes 75 minutes and is safer than laxatives as no irritation or dependency occurs.
Pre-Therapy Consultation
Hydration and Diet: Make sure you drink plenty of water and follow a light diet a day or two before the session.
Health Assessment: The therapist, Diane, will review your medical history and pre existing health concerns as well as any goals you have.
Explanation of the Procedure: Diane will talk you through the process in a gentle calm environment as you prepare for the procedure.
Preparing for the Procedure
Undressing and Gowning: You'll be asked to undress from the waist down and place a gown or cover over your bottom half - whichever makes you feel as comfortable as possible.
Lying on the Table: You’ll lie down on a treatment table, on your side or back, depending on your personal level of comfort.
Inserting the Speculum: A small, lubricated speculum will then be carefully inserted, which is connected to a hose that will pass water into the colon as the procedure begins.
The Procedure: Water Infusion and Colonic Irrigation
Warm Water Flow: Warm water is slowly worked into the colon in small amounts to avoid your discomfort. It starts to fill it up the colon, which helps to soften and loosen stool and waste material.
Abdominal Massage: Diane will gently massage your abdomen to aid the procedure and to gently break down waste.
Waste Expulsion: The water and waste is expelled through a disposable tube into a closed system, with no odour or mess. The cycle is repeated several times during the session before a final flush of water is administered to ensure the colon is thoroughly cleansed before the speculum is delicately removed.
Aftercare and Post Therapy Advice
Rest: You will be given as long as you need to slowly get up, use the bathroom and get dressed again before receiving aftercare instructions from Diane.
Aftercare Advice: Diane will provide you with general guidance on hydration, diet, what to expect and also how to monitor the queries you approached the salon with.
Follow-Up Sessions: Depending on your health goals, a discussion with Diane can allow you to understand how many additional sessions may be recommended.
The salon is available on WhatsApp to help with any question or aftercare query.