What is Colonic Hydrotherapy?
Colon cleansing and detoxifying the body is possibly one of the greatest ways a person can improve their physical health, mental health and heal disease. Unfortunately, we live in a fairly toxic world in the West. The air we breath, sometimes the water we drink, alongside a dominance of overly processed foods and an overstimulated and stressful lifestyle can wreak havoc on our guts. The gut and intestinal system is at the epicenter of our health. The gastrointestinal (GI) tract evolved with a nervous system of it's own which is often noted as the first brain. So, with 95% of the body's serotonin being produced in the intestine, looking after our gut is not just a physical act of self care but is also mental.
Colonic Hydrotherapy is a detoxification treatment centering around the use of warm water to flush out the large intestine. Cleansing the colon with warm water dates back to Ancient Greece and Egypt and is a way of purifying the gut to help with a multitude of conditions.
Colonic Hydrotherapy
What physical and mental health conditions can a colon cleanse help with?
Any condition of the bowel can be helped with Colonic Hydrotherapy including whether physical or mental. Conditions not so obviously associated with the bowel such as skin conditions, energy levels, PMS, chronic fatigue and headaches also respond well. As stated prior, with 90% of our serotonin being produced in the gut, mental health conditions can also be relieved as part of a holistic detox. ​​
Physical Health
Chronic Constipation
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Digestive Disorders
Bloating and Gas
Detoxification Needs
Frequent Digestive Distress
Poor Bowel Regularity
Abdominal Pain
Unexplained Weight Gain
Nutrient Absorption Issues
Colon Health Concerns
Pre-Colonoscopy Preparation
Colon Polyp Management
Intestinal Discomfort
​Mental Health
General mental clarity
Brain fog
Chronic Fatigue
What are the benefits of colon cleanses?
They are inclusive of but not limited to:
Full body detox
Improve digestive health
Bloating relief
Constipation relief
Increased energy
Boost immunity
Remove toxins
Better absorption of nutrients
Relive gas and bloating
Improve skin health
Relieve IBS symptoms
Reduce abdominal discomfort
Aid the prevention of colon cancer
Aid nutrient absorption issues
Flush out parasites and waste removal
Relieve fatigue
Restore digestive balance
Improve bowel movements and regularity
Eliminate waste build up
Support weight loss
Aid the prevention of colon cancer